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OCRD TAs interview video

Teaching Assistant (TA) JOBS

(Only available to current Science Tokyo students)

Science Tokyo’s Online Content Research and Development Project (OCRD) recruits new teaching assistants (TAs) periodically to work on developing online courses which will be offered on campus and on edX.

TA 採用情報

Oedolytics Team

Our goal is to improve the quality of our online courses through data analysis and machine learning, as well as to develop automated tools for shortening the process for online course creation.

Online Course Team

The tasks are related to the course creation/production such as video shooting, editing, graphic design, content creation, content editing, animation creation, beta testing, and transcript editing.

PR Team

We students who will maintain our Homepage including SNS platform posting, blog posts, graphic design, and promoting online courses.



OCRD trains and offers consultation to Science Tokyo faculty in how to design, develop and manage online and blended learning courses. In addition to this support, OCRD has facilities and equipment for online course development and is available for technology consultations.

Areas covered in training and consultation include:

  • General MOOC Design and SPOC Content Design

  • Blended (Flipped) Class Design

  • Online Learning Platform (edX)

  • Online Course Management

  • Video Shooting

  • Video Editing

  • Lecture Recording (in classroom)

  • Copyright Issues

Faculty Training

Faculty Training

Guide to Building a MOOC in Three Months!

This page provides information about training materials for Science Tokyo faculty.

Building and Running an edX Course

You can find more detailed guidance here

Admissions: Services
Admissions: Services

edX Training

The edX

Learning Series

The edX Learning Series is an interactive series of self-paced MOOCs that enable edX partners to successfully design, build, and run great courses on the edX platform. The edX Learning Series consists of a set of core courses, supplemented by a number of topic-based electives.

Current core offerings in the edX Learning Series include:


Designed to help you explore the edX learning experience. Fun and interactive, DemoX is perfect to take before you enroll in your first edX course.

Creating Video for the edX Platform

Designed to help you create video content for the edX platform. VideoX tells you the best and most efficient ways to create video.

Additional topic-based electives in the edX Learning Series include:

Blended Learning with edX

​Explore ways to blend educational technology with traditional classroom learning to improve educational outcomes. Perfect for instructors or institutional leadership interested in creating blended learning experiences with edX.

There are even more courses currently under development.

Enroll in edx Learning Series courses today!

Online Content Research and Development Project, CITL, Science Tokyo

東京科学大学 教育革新センター オンライン教育プロジェクト


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©2024 Online Content Research and Development Project, CITL, Science Tokyo

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