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Request for Proposals:

Massive Open Online Courses on edX

Tokyo Tech has been running massive open online courses (MOOCs) on edX since October 2015. Founded jointly by Harvard University and MIT, edX offers high-quality courses from the world’s leading universities and has over 14 million registered learners. By participating in this effort to provide global access to quality education, Tokyo Tech hopes to channel its faculty’s excellence in education and research and furthermore to expand its global presence.

Faculty members are invited to submit proposals to develop MOOCs that are to be offered on edX. Proposals to develop small private online courses (SPOCs) as well as proposals to conduct learning-outcome-based research are also welcome. Submission of proposals may be made directly by the instructor wishing to participate or by other Institute members acting as a representative.

About: Team Members

1. Request for proposals

About: Headliner

a. MOOC development

Tokyo Tech is looking for faculty members wishing to develop MOOCs on edX. Faculty members will be responsible for developing course content (i.e., course design, assessments, and instructional materials). The Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning (CITL) will be responsible for filming and editing video lectures. The CITL will also provide financial support of up to 2 million JPY for translation, language editing, illustration, and infographics services that are used for course production. Courses must be given in English and be at least four weeks in length (a weekly module of a typical course might consist of six video lectures, each lasting ten minutes, and quiz assignments). Faculty members must make their courses available within a year of being granted approval for development. For details of the work involved in developing a MOOC, refer to the attached sheet.

b. SPOC development

Tokyo Tech is looking for faculty members wishing to develop online courses that can be shared across disciplines (e.g., Institute-wide courses and school-wide courses). Faculty members will be responsible for developing course content (i.e., course design, assessments, and course instructional materials). The CITL will be responsible for filming and editing video lectures. Courses may be given in either Japanese or English.

Course examples: Institute-wide courses in engineering ethics, information ethics, etc.

c. MOOC research

Tokyo Tech is looking for individuals to conduct MOOC-related research in cooperation with the CITL. Possible research areas of cooperating faculty members include MOOC operation, design of course materials, and research concerning the analyses of learner data collected from online learning activities. Please note that funding will not be available from the CITL for the proposed research.

Related link: Using edX’s Research Data Exchange Data Package

About: Headliner

2. Eligibility

To be eligible, participants must be either a full-time faculty member or a group of faculty members with at least one member working full-time. The same criterion also applies to representatives who submit proposals.

About: Photo Gallery

3. Proposal submission

Interested faculty are to contact the Online Content Research and Development Section of the Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning via email ( and submit the application form.

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4. Assessment procedure

Proposals will be assessed based on their content by a special team set up under the CITL Faculty Committee.

5. Assessment criteria

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Proposals will be assessed on the following criteria.


a. Proposals for MOOC development
・The course is well structured as a MOOC.
・The course can be released within a year of being granted approval for development.

b. Proposals for SPOC development

・The course will be beneficial as an online learning resource.
・The course will have Institute-wide benefits.

c. Proposals for MOOC research

・The research contributes to the advancement of online education.
・The research is novel.

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6. Notification

Submitters will be notified of whether their proposals have been approved or not approximately three months after submission. Upon approval, participants may be consulted on the timing of the implementation to avoid scheduling conflicts with other ongoing MOOC/SPOC development and research.

Contact Information

Online Content Research and Development Section
Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning

Ext.: 3445




MOOC Proposal


Request for Proposals: MOOCs on edX

Online Content Research and Development Project, CITL, Science Tokyo

東京科学大学 教育革新センター オンライン教育プロジェクト


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