Aspiring to have better Video quality for OEDOs MOOCs, a studio shooting workshop was organized on November 27th with the presence of Mr David Allen, a talented cinematographer specializing in commercial, documentary and narrative work.
The workshop was aimed at improving current TAs' skills and introducing new TAs to studio shooting basics. Seven TAs joined the workshop and were divided into three groups. Each group focused on a specific skill benefiting from the expertise of David Allen and sharing the knowledge they acquired with the other groups at the end of the workshop.
The workshop focused mainly on lighting techniques, picture and video shooting techniques using two different types of cameras. It was a great opportunity for the TAs to learn the impact of lighting on the video quality, and to learn how to use the different lighting tools effectively to match the natural light in the shooting room and the kind of video they are trying to create. The TAs also learned how to set the cameras and microphones and practiced shooting pictures and videos, which allowed them to learn how to use the camera focus, the difference between different camera settings and how to make the best out of the shot.
Another part of the workshop consisted of visiting the studio and receiving advice from David on how to make the best use of the green screen.
At the end, a critique and discussion session was held, during which both the TAs and David watched some of the previous MOOC videos and discussed a few ideas to make the future videos more eye catching.
David Allen's website
