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OEDO Workshop Report (Dec 21, 2019)


In order to teach new OEDO Teaching Assistants (TA) online learning analytics methods, the OEDO general manager, Professor Jeffrey S. Cross and experienced learning analytics TAs held a workshop on December 6th, 2019 in the Tokyo Tech OEDO office.

Another aim of this workshop is to improve the skills of the new TA analysis team in online learning data analysis. In total 10 TAs joined the workshop, where six of them are new members.

The OEDO Analytics group called “Oedolytics” was formed 3 years ago and consists of four core TAs with computer science backgrounds and was organized by Professor Cross. The Oedolytics TAs aim to develop new online course analytics methods to evaluate online courses in order to improve their quality.

In this workshop, four experienced Oedolytics TAs introduced their results they have done so far in the OEDO showing the tools such as "Jupyter notebook" and Google’s Collaboratory to explain how to use Python for MOOC learning analysis and data analysis. Finally, they provided their code and demonstrated it in real-time with the TAs. A questionnaire was distributed to get feedback from the participants. A video was recorded of the talks for future training purposes.

The specific content presented by the analytics group are as follows:

  • Nopphon: edX content and discussion board crawler and Structure of edX MOOCs

  • Tan: Listenability, readability & in-video interactions

  • Chen: Learning Analytics Tracing and Simple MOOC Analysis Tools

  • May: Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modelling

After the workshop, a party was held to welcome the new TAs and also to celebrate the best paper award at the IEEE Learning with MOOC conference received in October, 2019 in Milwaukee Wisconsin, USA.

Details of workshop

Title: OEDOlytics 2019 Fall New TA Workshop

Time: Dec. 6, 2019 17:00-19:00

Place: West 9 bldg. Room 720, OEDO Office

Contact:Professor Jeffrey S. Cross

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